.. _check: Check object permissions ======================== Once we have :ref:`assigned some permissions ` we can get into detail about verifying permissions of user or group. Standard way ------------ Normally to check if Joe is permitted to change ``Site`` objects we do this by calling ``has_perm`` method on an ``User`` instance:: >>> joe.has_perm('sites.change_site') False And for a specific ``Site`` instance we do the same but we pass ``site`` as additional argument:: >>> site = Site.objects.get_current() >>> joe.has_perm('sites.change_site', site) False Lets assign permission and check again:: >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm >>> assign_perm('sites.change_site', joe, site) >>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe') >>> joe.has_perm('sites.change_site', site) True This uses backend we have specified at settings module (see :ref:`configuration`). More on a backend itself can be found at :class:`Backend's API `. Inside views ------------ Besides of standard ``has_perm`` method ``django-guardian`` provides some useful helpers for object permission checks. get_perms ~~~~~~~~~ To check permissions we can use quick-and-dirty shortcut:: >>> from guardian.shortcuts import get_perms >>> >>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe') >>> site = Site.objects.get_current() >>> >>> 'change_site' in get_perms(joe, site) True It is probably better to use standard ``has_perm`` method. But for ``Group`` instances it is not as easy and ``get_perms`` could be handy here as it accepts both ``User`` and ``Group`` instances. And if we need to do some more work we can use lower level ``ObjectPermissionChecker`` class which is described in next section. get_objects_for_user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes there is a need to extract list of objects based on particular user, type of the object and provided permissions. For instance, lets say there is a ``Project`` model at ``projects`` application with custom ``view_project`` permission. We want to show our users projects they can actually *view*. This could be easily achieved using :shortcut:`get_objects_for_user`: .. code-block:: python from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext from projects.models import Project from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user def user_dashboard(request, template_name='projects/dashboard.html'): projects = get_objects_for_user(request.user, 'projects.view_project') return render_to_response(template_name, {'projects': projects}, RequestContext(request)) It is also possible to provide list of permissions rather than single string, own queryset (as ``klass`` argument) or control if result should be computed with (default) or without user's groups permissions. .. seealso:: Documentation for :shortcut:`get_objects_for_user` ObjectPermissionChecker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the ``core`` module of ``django-guardian`` there is a :class:`guardian.core.ObjectPermissionChecker` which checks permission of user/group for specific object. It caches results so it may be used at part of codes where we check permissions more than once. Let's see it in action:: >>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe') >>> site = Site.objects.get_current() >>> from guardian.core import ObjectPermissionChecker >>> checker = ObjectPermissionChecker(joe) # we can pass user or group >>> checker.has_perm('change_site', site) True >>> checker.has_perm('add_site', site) # no additional query made False >>> checker.get_perms(site) [u'change_site'] Using decorators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standard ``permission_required`` decorator doesn't allow to check for object permissions. ``django-guardian`` is shipped with two decorators which may be helpful for simple object permission checks but remember that those decorators hits database before decorated view is called - this means that if there is similar lookup made within a view then most probably one (or more, depending on lookups) extra database query would occur. Let's assume we pass ``'group_name'`` argument to our view function which returns form to edit the group. Moreover, we want to return 403 code if check fails. This can be simply achieved using ``permission_required_or_403`` decorator:: >>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe') >>> foobars = Group.objects.create(name='foobars') >>> >>> from guardian.decorators import permission_required_or_403 >>> from django.http import HttpResponse >>> >>> @permission_required_or_403('auth.change_group', >>> (Group, 'name', 'group_name')) >>> def edit_group(request, group_name): >>> return HttpResponse('some form') >>> >>> from django.http import HttpRequest >>> request = HttpRequest() >>> request.user = joe >>> edit_group(request, group_name='foobars') >>> >>> joe.groups.add(foobars) >>> edit_group(request, group_name='foobars') >>> >>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm >>> assign_perm('auth.change_group', joe, foobars) >>> >>> edit_group(request, group_name='foobars') >>> # Note that we now get normal HttpResponse, not forbidden More on decorators can be read at corresponding :ref:`API page `. .. note:: Overall idea of decorators' lookups was taken from `django-authority`_ and all credits go to it's creator, Jannis Leidel. Inside templates ---------------- ``django-guardian`` comes with special template tag :func:`guardian.templatetags.guardian_tags.get_obj_perms` which can store object permissions for a given user/group and instance pair. In order to use it we need to put following inside a template:: {% load guardian_tags %} get_obj_perms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: guardian.templatetags.guardian_tags.get_obj_perms :noindex: .. _django-authority: http://bitbucket.org/jezdez/django-authority/