django-guardian 1.1.1 documentation

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Performance tunning

It is important to remember that by default django-guardian uses generic foreign keys to retain relation with any Django model. For most cases it’s probably good enough, however if we have a lot of queries being spanned and our database seems to be choking it might be a good choice to use direct foreign keys. Let’s start with quick overview of how generic solution work and then we will move on to the tunning part.

Default, generic solution

django-guardian comes with two models: UserObjectPermission and GroupObjectPermission. They both have same, generic way of pointing to other models:

  • content_type field telling what table (model class) target permission references to (ContentType instance)
  • object_pk field storing value of target model instance primary key
  • content_object field being a GenericForeignKey. Actually, it is not a foreign key in standard, relational database meaning - it is simply a proxy that can retrieve proper model instance being targeted by two previous fields

Let’s consider following model:

class Project(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)

In order to add a change_project permission for joe user we would use assign_perm shortcut:

>>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm
>>> project = Project.objects.get(name='Foobar')
>>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe')
>>> assign_perm('change_project', joe, project)

What it really does is: create an instance of UserObjectPermission. Something similar to:

>>> content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Project)
>>> perm = Permission.objects.get(content_type__app_label='app',
...     codename='change_project')
>>> UserObjectPermission.objects.create(user=joe, content_type=content_type,
...     permission=perm,

As there are no real foreing keys pointing at the target model this solution might not be enough for all cases. In example if we try to build an issues tracking service and we’d like to be able to support thousends of users and their project/tickets, object level permission checks can be slow with this generic solution.

Direct foreign keys

New in version 1.1.

In order to make our permission checks faster we can use direct foreign key solution. It actually is very simple to setup - we need to declare two new models next to our Project model, one for User and one for Group models:

from guardian.models import UserObjectPermissionBase
from guardian.models import GroupObjectPermissionBase

class Project(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)

class ProjectUserObjectPermission(UserObjectPermissionBase):
    content_object = models.ForeignKey(Project)

class ProjectGroupObjectPermission(GroupObjectPermissionBase):
    content_object = models.ForeignKey(Project)


Name of the ForeignKey field is important and it should be content_object as underlying queries depends on it.

from now on guardian will figure out that Project model has direct relation for user/group object permissions and will use those models. It is also possible to use only user or only group based direct relation, however it is discouraged (it’s not consistent and might be a quick road to hell from the mainteinence point of view, especially).


By defining direct relation models we can also tweak that object permission model, i.e. by adding some fields